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The Underground Tosses a Brick Through a Plate Glass Window (or, Can You Stuff Diapers in a Patagonia Critical Mass Bag?)

By Tom Chandler 9/10/2009

You can probably count the number of truly life-changing decisions you've made on the fingers of one hand.

And no, I'm not talking about the moment you realized double-taper fly lines simply made more sense than weight forwards.

I'm talking about the lifestyle equivalent of picking up a brick and tossing it through the plate glass window that defines the limits of your neat, orderly life.

As in smashing it.

Something like that day in college when you realized words were cool things, and that perhaps you could make a living arranging them.

Or the decades-later realization that your clients had email addresses, so maybe you could hunker down near a good trout stream instead of living in the alternate universe known as the Silicon Valley.

Then there was the afternoon you realized life without a certain woman looked a lot less appealing than life with her, and maybe it was time to make this whole thing permanent.

Every one of those decisions seemed huge at the time - and each created its fair share of anxiety - but all worked out beautifully.

It appears the L&&T and I have just thrown another brick.

In about two weeks, we're saddling up a Boeing 777 jet and flying literally halfway around the world to meet our little daughter.

Our new little daughter.

Holy shit.

I'm about to become a parent.

The New Reality
I'm going to be right up front here; in the past, I have had doubts about my fitness as a parent.

And yes, since this process started a year ago, I have often huddled in bed at 3:30 in the morning, eyes wide open, mentally bulleting the ways I could emotionally (and physically) scar a kid already facing the challenges of adoption.

The good news? While adoption rules forbid me from posting her picture or name here, the pictures we've seen clearly indicate Little M (my clever code name) is cuter, smarter and just plain better than all the other kids on the planet.

In fact, it's likely she's a world-class athlete and natural-born fly caster.

I just know it.

You can tell by looking.

Plain as day.

(And yes - I already have the whole Proud Poppa thing down pat.)

Allow Me To Brag
The L&&T has cleverly bypassed the "no public displays of photographs" rule by emailing Little M's picture to approximately 80% of the planet's working email addresses.

The overwhelming consensus is that she's gorgeous beyond belief.

I believe they're right.

Little M will be just over 11 months old when we bring her back home to the mountains of Northern California, where she will no doubt adapt immediately to her surroundings, sleep through the night, eat whatever she's given, and spontaneously toilet train herself a good 12 months early.

And if she doesn't do all those things, well, she's still got that seriously cute thing working.

The Parent Trap
I suspect I'm not entirely alone in this, but as parent-to-be, I'm already excelling at the bit where you cycle hourly between excitement and sheer terror.

One minute I'm convinced I'm going to be a great dad, teaching my daughter all the really cool, important stuff while driving her to her next athletic triumph (track/tennis/soccer/etc - I'm easy).

The next minute I imagine falling prey to one of my absent-minded fogs, forgetting to feed my daughter, wandering off, then coming home to find her swilling drain cleaner from the bottle I left on the floor next to the gasoline-soaked rags piled on the accidentally left-on stove.

Clearly, anticipation is a two-edged sword.

Even Wally the Wonderdog knows something's up - alerted by the steadily growing piles of kid stuff now taking over the house.

The Wonderdog's not brilliant, but he clearly possesses an animal cunning, and he knows that diapers and brightly colored plastic toys can only mean one thing: A new source of dropped or spilled food is about to enter his life.

I have a feeling that the Wonderdog will become extraordinarily protective of Little M.

I already have.

Of course, stepping beyond the glass window that defines the limits of your "normal" life means picking up a brick and creating a little chaos.

Life changes, you sweep up the broken bits, your view is clearer and your range is expanded, and you can't really complain.

I mean, it's what you asked for when you picked up the brick in the first place.

See you at the glass shop, Tom Chandler.


Tom Chandler

As the author of the decade leading fly fishing blog Trout Underground, Tom believes that fishing is not about measuring the experience but instead of about having fun. As a staunch environmentalist, he brings to the Yobi Community thought leadership on environmental and access issues facing us today.

[...] and two that were about fly fishing kinda dealt with it in the periphery (OK, they were all about Little M, though fly fishing featured heavily in this one and [...]
[...] year ago I suggested our lives changed when a brick got tossed through the plate glass windows that contain our existence, and that nowadays, the bricks were [...]
[...] the Underground threw a brick through his own plate glass window and became a [...]
Congratulations to the three of you. This is what life is all about. Peace Mich
marshall k: you obviously have no idea what it means to be a parent, which is the perfect starting point. I find that ignorance has served me well in all facets of my life.
Tom--catching up on things way late. all the best on yr daughter, who's a knockout. you obviously have no idea what it means to be a parent, which is the perfect starting point. and if you're grousing about jet lag and lack of sleep, just wait.
Tom, Becoming a father changes you. I know you are thinking I mean less sleep and diapers. I don't. It changes your soul, and for the better. A wonderful thing.
Wow! Congrats L & T!! I would have read this sooner, but the last few days, weeks, months have kind of been a blur... days tend to disappear lately, but I'm sure you'll be right there with me soon.
phill: Congrats! I guess that's the end of this blog. Dream on. Not only does the Underground's genius transcend the worries of mortal man, Little M's going to learn to fish - and soon. I'm stealing a page from the Rutters, who now can't hook up the drift boat in sight of their three year-old daughter without enduring a lot of questions about when she's going fishing...
Thanks for the plug, Tom! I won't share all the items PJ thought of that I left out of that note; better to spare you. Suffice it to say she remembers some things that will make you ecstatic that they've invented disposable diapers, Clorox Wipes and Lysol House Bombs. (I'm buying more stock as you read this.) You don't need to sell your beloved fishing gear to fund a college education! Just do what ... more I did. First, I set up a coin collection jar near where I empty my pockets each evening. Any coins and small bills I find in the clothing goes in there. After eighteen years of collecting, I had enough to buy a nice bottle of hootch to celebrate when Jessica left for college! Oh, wait; you mean to pay for Miss M's schooling. I get it. No problem, I have a solution there too. Again, do what I did. Make sure your loving spouse keeps a steady job, and make the candidate write hundreds of essays whinging and begging for cash donations saying why she's so deserving of that scholarship, even if her dad didn't win any Olympic gold medals or cure cancer...
Congrats! I guess that's the end of this blog. I've got 2 fry at home and it sure put a hurtin on my fly fishing days. I just took the elder of the 2 out with me on Sunday though, so at some point I guess it works to your advantage. They make good pack mules for carrying all manor of gear and love it.
Whew! This has turned into a long, long thread. I appreciate all the comments, but you can imagine the adrenaline-fueled chaos over here at Trout Underground/Man Cave World Headquarters. We've got contracters, visas, legal paperwork, regular work, a Total House Reorgnization Plan (if you know the L&T, you know it's inevitable) - all aided and abetted by 19 year-old cat Rocky, who underwent emergency ... more cat surgery and is keeping me up nights. Probably good training for what's to come. And despite his shameless plug here, you will want to visit the Chile Underground's special Little M post, which raises the specter of actually feeding a kid (when I'm barely capable of feeding myself), so I'm just going to pretend I never read it. Alistair: Do we get to divvy up your fishing gear? Hell no - I've got sell it all to get that college fund started.
Congrats Tom! funny you posted that on 9/10 when my son turned 7, and he is the best! "Let's go fishing Dad" is a common refrain during the summer and it's impossible to say no. It maybe cliche but watching him catch fish is better than any I have caught. If I can raise three anyone can do it!!!
Tom, WOW! This shows how out of the loop I have been of late with all my moving and vacationing. I knew that you wanted to expand your empire by all means possible but with a daughter? Congratulations and I know you and the L&T will be excellent parents. All the best from myself and the trophy wife. Lee
I see this thread's still growing and going. Lots of advice for the new parents too! ("New" only applies to Tom in a semantic way, I think.) I got so excited by the thought of these folks getting their family launched that I wrote a post on what kind of foods to have on hand for Miss M. It's too much to write here; besides, Tom has his hand on the trapdoor at TU and it might disappear! So here's the ... more link: See you all 'round the baby food aisle! The Chile Doctor
Congratulations Tom - fantastic news - you must be full of excitement - thinking about the future, getting her room organised - looking forward to looking at the world a fresh through a childs eyes. Do we get to divvy up your fishing gear?
Tom and Nancy.......She will have an eclectic group of aunties and uncles,a snow capped mountain in her back yard, rivers and a short legged black dog to keep her warm by the fire place........can't wait uncle wayne and auntie myrna.
Tom -- congrats, of course, and along with most dads I would say something like "Yes, it's scary, but if I can do it..." Kids also keep you young and, er, experimental. A couple of weeks back, my 10-year old daughter convinced me that the Next Thing we have to try is...[drumroll]...para-gliding. Luckily, the 5-year-old is still satisfied with pillow fights! And what Frogmorton said (above) is true, ... more though I do admit to some trepidation about the Teenage Years. Odd, though, about this whole adoption thing. Here in London some very good friends of ours have spent about 3 years of hell trying to adopt -- the starting point here seems basically to be that you're almost certainly a child-molester for even *thinking* about adopting, and you have to go endless lengths to establish that you might just be a Normal Person. Our friends are comfortably off (OK, actually just RICH) people, very highly-educated (she wrote the constitution for Bhutan, of all things) and from what we would call here the Upper-Middle Class. They drew a complete blank in England, having been hounded by officialdom for an age, but finally, just a couple of weeks back, came together with a terrific 11-week-old boy from...Missouri. He's now in London and destined for Great and Wonderful Things. As, of course, is your own Imminent Arrival. Best wishes Jolyon (PS. Off topic, my Jim Reams rod arrived a couple of weeks back -- a year early and staggeringly wonderful!!)
Congrats TC, major props from all the way over in Maine. And don't let the Roughfisher scare you, I hear only a small handful of youth are born with the infectious brownlining virus.
Okay, you can just lighten up on the self-doubt and fears. I mean, kids these days, they practically raise themselves. Oh yeah, congratulations! And when you need a break, you can always drop her off at Uncle Dave's place here in Dunsmuir. I'll be gone that weekend, but I'll leave the key under the doormat and like I said, they practically raise themselves...
Congrats Tom; you'll be a great dad. Spend every available moment with her. My oldest is shopping colleges but his Snoopy Poles are still standing in a corner of the garage. (Okay, so I haven't cleaned the garage in 13 years, but you get the message, right?)
Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!! As a former teacher of special ed for kids with emotional and behavioral disorders, I can assure you that you're light years ahead of so very many parents. Think of all the cool outdoorsy, kiddo gear that you can buy now!
Surrrounding yourself with women who happen to think you're the greatest guy breathing is a very wise strategy. Well Done! BTW, that cycle of excitement and terror? it never stops.
Now that is some great news.Congrats. Eric
Drat. Foiled again.
Another star joins this family!!!!! As to you being a parent: let me assure you, what you don't have in experience (who has experience when they bring that first little one home???), you more than make up for it with genetic predisposition with great fathers in your family: I know 2 of them named Bill and Jim - one launched a whole family of boys, and the other a whole family of girls - granted, it ... more IS likely you will loose all of your hair in the process. Your friend that mentioned the dating thing - yeh, that's true - but give Miss M a break - At least greet the boyfriend by his name and not by the ex-boyfriend's name! And btw, cousin, we might not have a lot of trout up this way, but there's lots of salmon in Puget Sound - Pack that diaper bag and come and visit!
Congratulations! Staying tuned.
Great news TC, and Nan, Hope she's a little closer to a Kiera, than a Brook, but they are both wonderful, just one is a little trying sometimes. Can't wait to meet her. David
Yeehaw!! Congrats to you both. Can't wait to meet her. I'm sure she'll have her own blog up and running by 2011 (maybe sooner?).
Congratulations!....Don't worry, unless you REALLY break 'em, they usually heal....
Flykuni...hope your not holding your breath...if said rods were to ever escape the TU mancave, I believe there is an old dusty Marine footlocker ...just a shade outside of Shady Cove, Oregon where they would land. Better off asking to bunk with Wally the next time your in town then getting those rods.
No, it's over. He'll never fish again. In which case Tom should send his bamboo fly rods to me.
Oh I don't think your flyfishing is over. In truth you'll value the fewer moments greaterer. I remember that sense of fearful anticipation...seemed momentous, but now 14 years later, and my oldest just entered the high school where I teach. As soon as they arrive, they start leaving, but they somehow manage to stay close the farther they get away. Another curiosity...though it's true that big base ... more hit in the bottom of the sixth to make the score 22-4 is important, it's the mundane moments that are the most powerful. Once you've changed your first diaper it's a brief moment until you change your last, with a bizarre nostalgia. So stow your fears and roll up your sleeves and get down to the business of really living. In about 18 months you'll say, whoa, why did it take me so long? Also, PS, pick up two while you're over there. You're going to wish you had. dave
Your fishing career is over. Congrats.
I know you will do a better job than your parents did. I heard some of the comments years ago. So you know already how to be the perfect parent and my blessing to both of you. Glad to hear she is on the way FINALLY.. Hugs to all CBC
Oh, and Wally will become her best friend, so you'd better treat him nicely!
What a joyous announcement! I haven't laughed so much in awhile, especially at Brian's advice. But every comment is good, and covers most everything, so I'll just say congratulations. My experience with an eighteen year old daughter (who just caught her first trout) suggests that you are in for the best treat of your life. Enjoy!
Thanks everyone! I found a video that does a good job of capturing my feelings of something moving towards me at galatic speeds:
Wow, great news. Congratulations.
'spose this means I'm out of the will now.
Having help raise two wonderful, intelligent, independent—and yes, cute—daughters, just "over the hill" from you, I can assure you that nothing in your life will alter; you will not see any changes in your routines or priorities, and everything will make complete sense. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. HA HA. HA HA HA HA!!! (Oh, my side hurts from that one.) You've got a long time to even think about her ... more first tattoo, the first night she stays out all night, and the gazillions of dollars for cell phones, cars, and colleges. Through all the trials and tribulations, I wish I could tell you the secret for guaranteed success, but alas, there is none. All you can do is provide her with enduring and unconditional love, which I am sure is guaranteed in your home. It is certainly a value-added proposition: it has been the most wonderful thing I have done with my life.
Tom, Glad to finally hear the day is near! It's been tough keeping a tight lip on your exciting news let alone the directions to " Stream Y ".... Don't worry about the parent thing, it will flow naturally and you'll be amazed on how fast you catch on. Congratulations to you both again and say " Hi " to the L&T for me......
I see a new rash of the Underground posts: "10 Best disposable diapers of all time" "The High Mountain Lake I haven't been to in years" "How dessicant and Gink can stop diaper rash" "Phillipson Paragon, the Ultimate Disciplinary Tool" "How to extract 100 Tiemco's from a foot, without crying" .... still, congrats are in order.
Tom, This is awesome! Really excited for you! I'm sure you'll do great.
congrats to the TUclan. Go easy on her when you find out she's a closet brownliner.
Congrats to both of you! I made it through raising two daughters so I am sure you will bungle your way through it also. Harry
Congratulations! It will be stranger and more wonderful than you can even imagine.
Congrats that is awesome news. Beware of the foul language as they get older. My four year old is known to freely dispense dumb ass and douche bag with reckless abandon. He makes the quiet moments at church especially hair-raising. Amen!
Congrats and the L & T and the mutt (sorry Wally) have so many years of joy ahead. You will see life speed up, next week you'll be writing about were the time went, oh and better stock up on pain remandys....laughter is about to show up in spades and your ribs will be sore. God Bless the two of you ....a wonderful decision. Monty Montana
Congratulations to you both Tom!! Fantastic news! :)
Congratulations, Tom! Our first, Lily, arrived 4 months ago. Along with all of the fears and doubts you expressed I actually dreaded the idea of fishing less or not at all this summer. I have gotten out exactly once and I'm completely satisfied. I didn't think anything or anyone could make that OK. I predict an in depth review of
I had a hunch... after all, there are only so many big and expensive decisions. Very happy for you. Being a father is the most important job you'll ever have. Really, congratulations. Tell Nancy I'm sending my best. Bjorn, father to the worlds cutest, most adorable daughter
Yes, you can get diapers in a Patagonia Critical Mass bag as well as the back pouch of a fishing vest and under the front seat of a drift boat. Been there, done that, washing my car with the remnants of the T-shirt. You'll do great! If I can bungle my way through I know you can.
Another thought, while I'm at it. When Jessica was born, my dad gave me a card. (Yes, I know your dad's not down here to help out, but I'm sure he would if he could.) On the outside it said, "Congrats on the birth of your new daughter! She'll give you the best years of your life." On the inside it said, "And then she'll start dating." I'm not saying, I'm just saying...
Hot Darn! (I'd use that other word, but this is now officially a Family Comic.) About time... Twenty years ago (has it really been that long?) I had my own sleepless nights, with a little one due. I know I have you beat on the "wondering if I'll ever be a fit parent" dimension; if I can do it, you can do it! So toss the brick, I say. Here, let me help you... And if you can't quite figure out how to ... more get over the next hurdle that the Divine (Little) Ms. M puts in your way, then I'm sure that her picture-taking, toe-painting, advice-doling Auntie Paula Jo will be available to help you and the L&T out. Did I mention she's going to be completely available starting October 2, about the time you get home... Coincidence? I think not; the universe doesn't tick that way...
Congratulations.. My best wishes to you and the L&T..but a few warnings not let your cats in the house they will shit on your pillows as soon as the see the lovely miss M. And then of course she'll turn into a teenager
Yes, this is bigger news! Wow and awesome! Warning: Feeding slaw dogs to little M would be considered child abuse in many circles. Now I'm not saying that I would be calling CPC should your bundle of joy develop a fondness for the "dreaded food"; but if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't trust everyone who lurks here to overlook such an outrage. CONGRATULATIONS!
We are so excited for you and Nancy. Your dad would be so proud. Can't wait to share the love!

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