Underground Entertainment,    winter whining

The Walking Dead, And A Quick Chance To Be Heard On Klamath Dam Removal

By Tom Chandler 1/29/2013

Hey Undergrounders;

The first two winters after Little M arrived saw me get sick at every opportunity, leaving me looking (and feeling, and smelling) a lot like a badly decomposed extra from the Walking Dead.

By contrast, last winter was a largely disease-free breeze, though after the summer arrival of Tiny-But-Malevolent Petri Dish Tax Deduction #2, you could safely say I'm back in Walking Dead mode (think of the makeup costs the series could save simply by hiring dads of toddlers).

So in effect, I haven't fished. I haven't shot. I haven't done much beyond wheeze and whine (the Twin W's of The Afflicted).

Fortunately, the end is near (the end of the cold, not the writer).

The Voting Thing

Those with a few extra minutes on their hands might want to click over to this newspaper poll, which is asking if folks think congress should act on the Klamath Basin Restoration Act (KBRA) this session.

Since this involves removal of these pesky Klamath River dams, I'd suggest a "yes" vote is in order:

Click here to vote

It's hardly barn-burner stuff, but support is support.

The Sage Circa Thing

The Sage Circa fly rod review needs a rewrite before going live, but I'm going to sacrifice some of my "lay on the couch and whine" time in favor of getting it done.

Given that whining is currently the only pleasure left to me, I hope you appreciate the sacrifice.

See you on the couch, Tom Chandler.


Tom Chandler

As the author of the decade leading fly fishing blog Trout Underground, Tom believes that fishing is not about measuring the experience but instead of about having fun. As a staunch environmentalist, he brings to the Yobi Community thought leadership on environmental and access issues facing us today.

Yep, pretty late on this one. And you can be sure I'm not going to write about Anderson's shoot-out again. In a prior post I criticized the criteria (not the test itself), and got bombarded with emails from people accusing me of shilling for the "losing" manufacturers as well as others suggesting that the winners of the shoot-outs are always expensive rods that few other dealers carry (a boon to the ... more fly shop). In other words, I'll let the industry side of things alone for a while.
Tom, unfortunately I have to inform you that you are late with your Sage Circa review. Meanwhile, your rivals never rested: http://tinyurl.com/b6doo4p . “The Hardy Zenith 9 foot #5 steamrollered the competition once again” and “...it is readily apparent that the finest rods are also the most expensive ones” Evil be to him who evil thinks...
Edgaard: “The Walking Dead” is my favorite TV series. Good TV show, but you probably don't want your kids confusing you with one of the extras...
"The Walking Dead" is my favorite TV series.
Mark: piece of advice; don’t take the family to a wedding in houston if one of the local family there has influenza a and is hanging out with you despite the fever… it will mess up your january… I tend to steer clear of Houston in most cases, but point taken.
I didn't think it sucked, but I also didn't necessarily fall in love with it either.
Kentucky Jim: If my experience is any indication, you should forego it in favor of [fill in the blank]. Drinking?
get better! just so you know, i feel your pain (literally). i walked in the door from a week of travel last night to find my wife cleaning vomit (from my youngest) up from the hallway; my dog went to the vet because he'a not eating; i'm blowing green/yellow snot from a residual sinus infection. piece of advice; don't take the family to a wedding in houston if one of the local family there has influenza ... more a and is hanging out with you despite the fever... it will mess up your january...
Whining is not that becoming for a person. I know because I've done a very great deal of it; I'm something of a master. If my experience is any indication, you should forego it in favor of [fill in the blank].
I too am interested to hear your thoughts on the Circa. I've begin to wonder if I'm the only one who thought it sucked. Well OK, it didn't suck, exactly. It's just you read the ad copy, then cast the rod and suffer from one of those moments of cognitive dissonance where you wonder if you actually got the correct rod...So yeah, it sucked.
My only experience with toddlers has been my nephew and colds from kid germs resemble the bubonic plague more than a normal cold..... after one visit I started looking for Dr Kevorkians #...... Dropping the dams is a great step .... down here though we do have some we love that give us great tailwaters (apples and oranges I know)
Tom...looking forward to your Sage Circa write up. Get better. Kids are tough on the immune system.

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